People tell me that they like my essays on the chapters of the Tao Te Ching. If you are new here and you haven’t read them yet, you can see the entire list here. Since this blog is called Tao Te Ching Daily, I am always looking for ways to weave the chapters back through our lives but in unique ways.
So I have decided to do an experiment.
If you are a fellow blogger and you enjoy reading my essays, how about posting one of your own? I have posted the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching and a Mr. Linky entry box below. I invite you to read the chapter and then post your own response to it on your blog and then come back here and add your link. If I get enough response on this experiment, I will do it again. I might even make it a regular thing.
I think Lao Tzu would have wanted it that way…
The sage leads quietly indeed -
Accomplishing deeds in order that
the people will all say,
“We did it”.
~Chapter 17, Tao Te Ching
Chapter One of the Tao Te Ching
The Tao that can be told is not the Eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name.
Nothingness is the Origin of Heaven and Earth.
Beingness is the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things.
When you are free of desire, you will understand the Essence of your life.
When you identify with your desires, you will observe the manifestations of your life.
Both contain the deepest secrets arising from the dark unknown, the Doorway to the Mysteries of Life.